About Us
The Timetolearn.mt Experience
Flexible 24/7 learning - One-to-One Support
Our approach to teaching online includes both offline and online activities to support students learning from home. Our tutors are trained to offer a range of teaching strategies and tools, appropriate to the local context and to teaching remotely.
Flexible Payment Methods - Quality Assured
The best way to get in touch with us is to contact our Support Team. We’d love to hear your questions, concerns, and feedback about our Services.
Monday to Friday 9AM–6PM (CET)
Saturday 9AM–3PM (CET)
Sunday Closed
Meet some of Our Tutors
(Maltese Teacher)
Jiena Maria u ilni ngħallem il-Malti għal dawn l-aħħar seba’ snin. Inħobb nistudja u bħalissa qed nagħmel il-Masters fl-Istudji tal-Malti u fadalli l-aħħar sena biex nerġa’ niggradwa. Fl-2016 għamilt il-kors fil-qari tal-provi bil-Malti li kien ta’ għajnuna kbira fil-qasam tax-xogħol tiegħi. Fil-ħin liberu tiegħi nħobb nisma’ l-mużika, naqra l-kotba kemm bil-Malti kif ukoll bl-Ingliż u mmur xi mixja fil-kampanja.
(Maths Teacher)
My name is Jahel and I have been teaching Maths for the past ten years. I consider myself a positive person and live by the dream-believe-achieve motto, while always being kind to one another. I think that we never stop learning in our lives and we should never give up either! I also enjoy music, sports and love animals.
(Spanish Teacher)
Hola, soy Maria. I am a teacher by profession and a traveller at heart. I have lived and worked in Spain for 2 years and it was a great learning experience for me. I am an outing person and love to get to know new people from all over the world. Thanks to my spanish and latinos friends I keep learning and practicing spanish as I believe that a language has to be learnt in an enjoyable and practical way. Let's get started! Hasta luego :-)
(German Teacher)
Hallo, hallo! I am Isabel and German-Mexican. I graduated in Educational Science (MA) and Art Education (BA). I believe that the learning process needs structure and repetition, but equally so creativity and fun- enjoying yourself is how we learn the quickest. I am so glad to welcome you into my classes! See you!
Join us in changing the lives of thousands through the power of education
If you are a motivated and warranted teacher and would like to join our fabulous team, send us an email on learnmaltacourses@gmail.com including a motivation letter. We will contact you back to set a meeting.